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Child Therapist



Innovations Waiver Services support members of the intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) population with "habilitative" treatment and long-range outcome objectives to enhance their lives. Services are within the community or home rather than in an institutional setting. These services include:

Residential Supports

Residential Supports provides individualized services and supports to enable a person to live successfully in a Group Home or Alternative Family Living (AFL) setting of their choice and be an active participant in his/her community. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the person’s life skills, provide the supervision needed, maximize his/her self-sufficiency, increase self-determination, and ensure the person’s opportunity to have full membership in his/her community. Residential Supports include learning new skills, practice and/or improvement of existing skills, and retaining skills to assist the person to complete an activity to his/her level of independence. Residential Support includes supervision and assistance in activities of daily living when the individual is dependent on others to ensure health and safety. Transportation to and from the residence and points of travel, in the community is included. The level of support is based on the individuals support needs.

Community Living and Support

Community Living and Support is an individualized service that enables a person to live successfully in his/her own home, the home of his/her family or natural supports and be an active member of his/her community. A Direct Support Professional (DSP) assists the person to learn new skills and/or supports the person in activities that are individualized and aligned with the person’s preferences.

Community Living and Support enables the person to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. Areas of skill acquisition include interpersonal, independent living, community living, self-care, and self-determination. In addition to skill acquisition, Community Living and Support allows for supervision and support, covering any type of support a person may need at home or in the community. Community Living and Support is generally provided as an individual service but can be provided in a group setting when appropriate.

Community Networking

Community Networking services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings.Community Networking services enable a person to participate in integrated classes and volunteer opportunities. In addition, the individual may have classes and memberships paid for through the appropriate MCO. This service is generally provided as an individual service but can be provided in a group setting when appropriate.


Respite Services provide periodic or scheduled support and relief to the primary caregiver(s) from the responsibility and stress of caring for the individual. Respite may also be used to provide temporary relief to individuals who reside in Licensed and Unlicensed AFL’s, but it may not be billed on the same day as Residential Supports. The Respite provider fills the role of the primary caregiver, which allows for any support the person may need. The service can be provided in the home, community or the service provider’s home with prior approval and screening.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment Services provide support with choosing, acquiring, and maintain a job for individuals ages 16 and older for whom competitive employment has not been achieved and/or has been interrupted or intermittent. Supported Employment is to assist individuals with developing skills to seek, obtain, and maintain competitive employment or develop and operate a micro-enterprise. Supported Employment services include, pre-job training/education and development activities, assisting an individual in developing and operating a micro-enterprise, and coaching/employment support activities that enable an individual to complete their job. The service includes transportation from the individual’s residence and to and from the job site.

Community Navigator

The purpose of Community Navigator Services is to promote self-determination, support the individual in making life choices, provide advocacy and identify opportunities to become a part of their community. Community Navigator provides support to individuals and planning teams in developing social networks and connections within local communities. Community Navigator Services also emphasizes, promotes, and coordinates the use of generic resources to address the individual’s needs in addition to paid services. Community Navigator provides an annual informational session on self-determination and self-direction. Individuals and legally responsible persons may choose to opt out of this requirement. These services also support individuals, representatives, and Managing Employers by providing assistance to those that direct their own waiver services.

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